Thursday, March 13, 2008

TCJ 3.2 is Available

TCJ 3.2 is complete and has been emailed to subscribers. As usual, it can also be found by clicking the TCJ Zine Archive link found to the right.

The focus of the mix this month was on new music. There is some really good stuff on there, including songs from Ryan Adams, Lightspeed Champion, Tift Merritt, Kathleen Edwards, Radiohead, They Might Be Giants, and many more. There is also a song by Wreckless Eric that is actually 30 years old, but was on the Stranger Than Fiction soundtrack, so I bent the "2 years old or less" rule this time around. The crazy thing is, with so much new music so much more available, I already have enough songs for the next "new music" mix, which isn't scheduled until June. Oy vey.

As usual, if you didn't get the CD, get a gmail acct and email me and we'll get you hooked up.



Stephanie said...

You know, you could just release the new mix a little early...I mean, just for the sake of keeping abreast of this tidle wave of new tunes...ha! But that wouldn't be right, I guess.

TCJ said...

Actually, the mix has been ready. I have a friend editing the newsletter as we speak, so once it goes through quality control, I'll send it out. The May issue is almost done, too, and those mixes, as well as the June mix, are fairly complete. Too much good music out there!